Planechase Anthology serves both as a nostalgic trip to forgotten lands, and also as an introductory series for those new to the world of Magic: The Gathering. Players will be challenged to manage two decks; one, a traditional MTG deck; and the second, a Planes deck which is exclusive to oversized planar cards designed to affect and influence the flow of battle. We have available the Planechase Anthology Deluxe Set; which includes four 'ready to play' decks and all 86 planar cards; and you can also choose to purchase Planechase Anthology singles at unrivalled prices. Each individual plane is home to a simply countless number of unique creatures and characters, more than enough to make your head spin, even if you’re a veteran of the MTG scene. The Planechase Anthology celebrates the lore of the planes, and will allow players to relive past glories in this expansion set; it’s certain to be a trip that’s full of surprises and chaos - and we wouldn’t accept anything less. MTG Planechase Anthology will redefine the past and potentially shape the future in this nostalgic set. Planechase Anthology will guarantee an immersive Planeswalker experience like never before, and will truly allow players to experience the full power of the multiverse conquering Planeswalker.