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Pokémon 151 TCG Release Set List Reveal

Pokémon 151 TCG Release Set List Reveal

Posted by Magic Madhouse on 15th Sep 2023

We’ve only just had the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames and already we have more to be excited about. Pokémon 151 is the next set in the series and will be released in September, although it has already been released in Japan so we have a good idea of what to expect.

We’ve only just had the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames and already we have more to be excited about. Pokémon 151 is the next set in the series and will be released in September, although it has already been released in Japan so we have a good idea of what to expect.

Pokémon 151 transports us back to the Kanto region where it all began, featuring only cards from the original PokeDex. I am so excited for this set as I grew up with the originals and am a true Gen 1 fan at heart! There is some extreme nostalgia attached to this set and I just cannot wait to get my hands on it and open some packs!


Exploring The Set List

As the set has been released in Japan, we have a good idea of the cards that will be coming in our English version. As we know, it will only feature Pokémon from the original 151, hence the name Pokémon 151. I see what you did there Pokémon! As well as all the Kanto starters and fan favourites, we are treated to some classic trainers, including Giovanni, Erika, Bill and even a Cycling Road. If you played Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow on your GameBoy then you are going to love this set.

There are lots of little things you will also notice about this set that are different to most others. The set list is not in type order, as it is with most main sets. Instead, Pokémon 151 will follow Pokedex order, starting with Bulbasaur and going all the way through to Mew ex. We are also heading back to the original typings, there are no Metal type Pokémon in the set.


Notable Cards From Pokémon 151

Pokémon 151 contains so many fantastic cards and some beautiful artwork, especially in the Illustration Rares. As we said, all of the original 151 Pokémon are represented here and so you will definitely find your favourite amongst them. We are even getting a new Kadabra card, the first one in about 20 years! We are seeing the return of fossil Pokémon and Aerodactyl even evolves from the Old Amber. All of these are throwbacks to the early game and bring about so much nostalgia.

We are being treated to some amazing new ex cards, including Mew ex, Zapdos ex and Alakazam ex, as well as all 3 of the starter evolutions in Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard. But it is the secret rares in this set that really stand out. We are getting around 45 secret rares and they are all incredibly beautiful! Some of the choices of Illustration Rare seem a little random, such as Caterpie, Tangela, Poliwhirl and Omanyte and none of their other evolved or pre-evolved forms.

The 5 Special Illustration Rare Pokémon are ones to look out for and they are Venusaur, Blastoise, Charizard, Alakazam and Zapdos, all ex’s. There is also a Mew ex Special Illustration Rare but this one is going to be a Promo card in our Ultra Premium Collection Box. We are also getting 2 Special Illustration Rare Supporters in Giovanni and Erika, which is really cool.

There are also 3 gold cards in the set and these are Mew ex, Switch and Psychic Energy. Each of these will be ones to look out for and will be highly collectable.

One of the most exciting cards from a playability point of view is the Alakazam ex. It is a Stage 2 Pokémon with 310HP, nothing too crazy there. However, its second attack costs 2 psychic energy and deals 120 damage, with the added bonus that it can attack while it is on the bench. This is the first time in the TCG that we have had a card which can attack while it’s not in the active spot. Perhaps you could combo this with a stall type Pokémon in the active while constantly keeping your Alakazam’s safe on the bench and relentlessly attacking for 120 damage every turn.

There are some interesting and very playable Trainer cards coming in this set. Big Balloon gives the Stage 2 Pokémon that it is attached to free retreat, which is really nice as often the big Stage 2 Pokémon have a really high retreat cost. Cycling Road is a brilliant stadium card that allows you to discard a Basic Energy from your hand and draw a card. That will be really handy for decks like Gardevoir ex, which aim to get energy cards into the discard pile and draw as many cards as they can. It will probably be good in any deck as a way to help you draw cards.


The Collectability of Pokémon 151

As you can probably tell by my gushing over this set, I am super excited for it and it has kindled all sorts of nostalgia within me. I also think that this set will be very collectable and will be one of those that will hold its long term value. I think Pokémon have learned their lesson from previous sets and will make sure that there is plenty of supply to meet the demand that this set will have. Fans of the original 151 Pokémon are going to be really excited for this set and I can see it being one that lots of people will try to collect a Master Set of.

Pokémon 151 is one of the most exciting and most hyped sets we have had since Celebrations. We have been treated to a sneak preview of the set in Japanese already and that has just made us more excited for it to be released in English. From a collectors point of view, this is going to be one of the best sets in years and one that you will definitely not want to miss!