The story of Deadlands continues...
The Last War on Earth destroyed the Tunnel, the galactic wormhole between home and the colonists of the Faraway System.
Now they’re trapped on the inhabitable but often hostile planet of Banshee, or in the mining colonies of deep space. Ancient and malevolent creatures called the Skinnies see their chance to strike, rallying Banshee’s native anouks to wipe out the invaders.
The only ship capable of traveling between systems, Hellstromme Industries’ Unity, has returned. With its cargo comes a final reckoning...
Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds AE core rules to play.
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Fantasy (Science Fantasy)
- Genre:
- History (American West)
- Genre:
- Science Fiction
- Game:
- Savage Worlds AE
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