Welcome to a world of microscopic science and adventure...welcome to the Microverse! Ant-Man and Wasp are world-renowned adventurers — two of the original founding Avengers. Together, they have fought for justice in the Avengers' greatest victories...and their most terrifying defeats.
Hank Pym, the original Ant-Man, has always had a giant ego to match his genius intellect. In a fit of hubris, he created the powerful robotic intelligence Ultron, which eventually built massive legions of robotic soldiers, threatening the world repeatedly and upgrading into a stronger form each time. Legendary: Ant-Man is a 100-card expansion for the Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game that contains five new heroes, two new masterminds, two new villain groups, and four new schemes.
- Stats:
- Restock List
- Game:
- Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
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